I began my trek through my ancestors resting places visiting my mothers grave in Manti. From there I found each ancestor from the Fisher side that was laid to rest in Utah. So on memorial day i walked through two cemeteries the Salt Lake City cemetery and a beautiful small one just a mile from my home. I loved the experience as i felt the strength of my ancestors and the lives they lead. Lives filled with choices and struggles and successes. I felt their Love I knew that they cared about me and I have found myself wanted to know more and more of who they were and what their lives were like. I was especially moved to find out more by the ancestors i spent the most time finding. More of this below.
Follow the lines below to see Grandparents, Great, Great, and Great Grandparents. One third great grandfather is not represented he lies in New York having never made the trek to Utah.
Robert Peirce and Hannah Harvey Peirce, parents of Edith Peirce; Salt Lake City Cemetery.
This is the plot that touched my heart. I spent about an hour looking for the place their bodies lay. What i found was an unmarked grassy knoll. In my effort to find them I discovered that there is another who lies between them named Maurice Pearce and one to their side named Thomas Pearce. This intrigued me, so i began my search. I found that Thomas was their son and that he died at age 35 and between them lies Thomas' son - their grandson Clifton Morris who died at age 15.
Robert and Hannah had 9 children 6 of which died before them. Joseph as a baby, Ann age 3, Elizabeth in Nauvoo at age 5 (probably the cholera), Mary age 26 Winter Quaters, Eli age 31 sickness from missionary service in England, Thomas age 35 - unknown cause.
These faithful pioneers sacrificed so much for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, their dedication has touched my heart.
My goal now is to put together enough funds to have a marker placed at their grave-site. Any donation (pennies on up) will be accepted toward honoring them with a gravestone reminder of where they lay. Just talk to me about it.
I am grateful for my heritage learning about them has inspired me to accept the sacrifices of life for the sake of the Gospel.
* as a tidbit - The Peirces are the grandparents of Eli Pierce that Elder Holland talks about in 1980 BYU Devotional "For Times of Trouble"