
God loves Broken things

Friday, April 23, 2010


I am busy spending my tax return! its so much fun! I have added insulation to all of my home - hope the gas bills go down. Waiting for the HVAC guy to come and price an AC unit. Ordered some additional kitchen cabinets. Bought some kitchen hutches. Arranged to have my fabulous electrician finish the power updates in the next couple of weeks. It is all so much fun. Oh i also had my contractor weed and feed my lawn in hopes that it will do better this summer. I love tax return time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

latest happenings:

Work and more work. Love my job but it is getting into the crazy time. New computers, new images, new software and lots of headaches.

Went to an Image Consultant presentation and found out that it doesn't matter how tall I am, if I can walk in high heels I should wear them! That made me happy. I get tired of the short men in the career world who ask why I would wear heels when i'm so tall. I think they are simply jelous and I tell them I wear the heels because "I CAN!"

Milton and boys cut all the dead limbs out of my cherry tree last week. It looks really bare. but at least it is now living and not just dying. I hope they get to make something beautiful out of all the red cherry wood.