
God loves Broken things

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Flowers

The first flower of spring has come out. I love that I have not yet planted flowers at my house. But I have flowers blooming! and even better they are purple. I think this house was meant for me, even with all the work that I had to do and all the work still left to be done. I am so happy to have my home with its purple spring Flowers!

Can anyone tell me what kind of flower it is?............................


  1. Hmm... I have no idea. But they are beautiful! That is so fun to have flowers already! Spring makes me so happy! Hooray! :)

  2. Hey! I finally made it to your blog. I love it and the purple writing is . . . you! I beleive you have a hyacinth flower there. They are a bulb that comes in the early spring. Beautiful and purple.
